Main Content

Latest News:

* 12 January 2023 - Master Document / v1.4 (draft)
* 20 December 2022 - review of year, looking forward to 2023
* 2 October 2022 - ClimateFest
* 17 September 2022 - Electric Bus Demo - Melksham
* September 2022 was "Catch the Bus" month.
* 4 April 2022 - BSIP - no award to Wiltshire
* 24 Feb 2022 - draft Wiltshire Enhanced Partnership and comment
* Jan 2022 - short term timetable changes

* 15 Dec 2021 - Slides for Cross-border meeting
* 29 Oct 2021 - 'Final' Bus Service Improvement Plan
* 11 Oct 2021 - BSIP as submitted and supporting documents
* 7 Sep 2021 - Draft BSIP, current year, Option 24/7 master organisation
* See for the old (2016) campaign site

Links to other resources - new build for 2021

Updates 11 Sept 2021Option 24/7 Master Document: (here)

Added, 7th September 2021
Option 24/7 Master Document: (here)
Chosen for improvement in the current financial year: (here) and (here)
Draft Bus Service Improvement Plan: (here)

Older links - from earlier in 2021
((here)) for the launch meeting slides, 29.3.2021
((here)) for the update slides, 19.4.2021 (best place to start at late April 2021)
((here)) for our mirror of the 84 page Government paper of 15.3.2021

((here)) For the Somerset Bus Partnership's 9 page summary of BBB
((here)) For FavBUG on their D2 route and Somerset too

Following are our 2016 links

late October 2016 additons
Letter from Philip Whitehead
Council Cabinet brieifing for October 2016
update inc. wilts council website quote and that web site
Current transport status - update for Houes of Lord visit
Cornwall presentation to their community rail conference

early October 2016 additons
Wiltshire Council are cutting just a fifth of their least draconian option offered at consultation, due to strong inputs from that consultation. They are proposing to "buck the national trend and safeguard the services people really need".
See [here] for news on their site.
See [here] for cabinet paper on topic.

early July 2016 additons
Early analysis of survey - a few metrics on the responses [here]
"Practical Bus Frachising - the Jersey Model" [from HTC Group], mirror [here]
Catch The Bus week - our survey, added 2nd July, [here]
Catch The Bus week - Survey press release [here]
Catch The Bus week - using the bus to connect with trains (Melksham) [here]

Bus Services Bill Impact assessments, added 1st July, [here]

... added 1st June 2016 to 14th June [latest update 21st].
Bus Bill - what it could do for Wiltshire [here]
Pilot area - what services could look like [here]
Gazetter and Herald - Update from Michelle Donelan, MP for Chippenham [here]
Put yourself in their shoes - what would YOU do for future bus services? [here]
Technical article on "put yourself in their shoes" application [here]
Letter to Councillors and Review Board, 3rd June - [here]
Wiltshire Consultation analysis - [main] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Technical FAQ - questions raised by the Bus Services Bill and Wiltshire Council [here]

... added 20th May 2016. Queen's speech and bus bill
The Bus Services Bill was introduced in the Queen's speech. We are mirroring:
The Queen's Speech and briefing notes: [here]
The management summary: [here]
The official overview of the Bus Services Bill: [here]
The text of the bill itself: [here]
Data sheets Summary, Franchising, Open Ticketing and Enhanced Partnership
Update 11th June - Lord's second reading debate - mirror [here]

Also recent ...
* Option 24/7 case / presentation of 14th April 2016 - [here]
* Accompanying slide set - [here]

The council consultation was [here] (should have been closed but still looks live , 7.4.2016 8 a.m. ... will come back / update here when it's actually gone. In the meantime you MAY have a last minute opportunity!) also a copy you can print out at [here-image] or [here - pdf]

Our outline case - [here] (see below for links to more detailed reports)
Management overview - how we're going about this ((bullet points)) - [here]
Outline update - for 7.4.2016 - [here]
Our contact form, to let us know that you have completed the consultation - [here]

Wiltshire Council impact / equality analysis - [here]
The Wiltshire Council review document (our mirror) - [here]
The Wiltshire Council FAQ document (our mirror) - [here]

Technical reports
Option 24/7 case / presentation of 14.4.2016 - [here]; accompanying slide set - [here]
Bus Users UK response to Wiltshire Consultation - 5.4.2016 - [here]
Devizes CAP response to Wiltshire Consultation - 6.4.2016 [here]
Presentation to Wilsthire Council - 29.3.2016 - [here]
Volunteer / overview briefing - 23.1.2016 - [here] and agenda [here].
Our proposals to Wiltshire Council - Technical [here] and financial [here]
Department for Transport - Bus Bill (February 2016) [here]
Effects of bus cuts - Frome video [here]
Value for money of tendered bus services - DfT, 11.2.2016 [here] (mirror)
Passenger Focus video - How could passengers benefit? [here] from page [here]
TransWilts presentation from September 2015 [here] or slides (mirror) [here]
Department for Transport - Buses Bill updates (December 2015) [here]
Campaign for Better Transport - comments on bus bill [here]
Department for Transport - Annual Bus Statistics report (September 2014) [here]
Bus Market study for DfT, from [here] 26.1.2016 by KPMG - [here] and [mirror]
Michelle Donelan (MP for Chippenham) - press support [here]
Michelle Donelan (MP for Chippenham) - support to Wiltshire Council [here]
We also have a draft of Michelle's response (January 2016) to Wiltshire Council
Richard Gamble (Wilts Council) - "The local authority challenge" - [here]
List (summer 2015) of Wiltshire Subsidised bus services - [here]
Bus Users - report (relevant) from Somerset [here]
Bus Users - report (relevant) from Dorset [here]
Car ownership maps (2011 Census) - [here}
Sample case - What about the hopper? - [here]
Sample case - What would the various options mean for Melksham? - [here]
Sample case - Bath / Corsham / Chippenham corridor - [here]
Sample case - Pewsham / Chippenham / Malmesbury corridor - [here]
Exisiting timetables as at 2.2016 as base for sample cases above: 10 and 231 271 and 272 x31 Zig Zag x34 x72 RUH Hopper 44 265

Extra pages not on top menus
FAQ Index [here]
FAQ Extra [here]
Flyer [here]

Used during the consultation promotion ...
General Leaflet slips to print hand out - [4 up]
"Your bus" slips to print hand out - [4 up] and [6 up]. Also [6 up, no logo]
Posters to print and display - [here]; Single sheet "flyer" - [here]

Press and other reports from around the area
BBC Wiltshire report - [here]
BBC UK - 4.2.2016 - [here]
Faresaver - letter to press 3.2.2016 - [here] and our answer [here]
Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard, 22nd Feb 2016 - [here]
Western Daily Press article - [here]
Wiltshire Forum for Community Area Partnerships - 26.1. 2016 [here]
Devizes Gazette and Herald - 28.1.2016 - [here]
Wiltshire times - 22nd January 2016 - [here]
Melksham News - 28.1.2016 - [here]
Salisbury Bus Users - 26th January 2016 - [here]
TransWilts Community Rail Partnership [here]
Everleigh Village - [here]
Transition Marlborough - [here]
South West Wilts Lib Dems - [here]
Holt and Staverton - [here]
Hilmarton Parish - [here]
Great Western "Coffee Shop" forum - [here]
Westbury Town Forum - [here]
All Cannings Parish Council - [here]
Mere - [here]
Maiden Bradley Parish Council (on Facebook) - [here]
Malmesbury - [here]
Broughton Gifford Parish News 28.1.2016 [here]
Favbug (Frome) Blog [here]
Article on the Hopper bus - [here]
Leigh Village - [here]
Seend Parish - [here]
Shalborne Parish news - [here]
Bowerhill Villager (back page) - [here]
Allington with Boscombe - [here]
Melksham Streetlife [here]
Lyneham and Bradenstoke [here]

Other comment on the bus review and its effects (new section added 31.1.2016
On the effect in Marlborough - Wiltshire Gazette - [here]
Stonehenge Alliance - [here]
From the Salisbury Journal [here]
Westwood Parish [here]

And please visit us on Facebook and Twitter too!